How Garlic Prawns are prepared in family style at Café Brunelli?
Who wants a large batch of plump, juicy prawns that have been marinated in garlic, cooked until golden, then topped with a lemon garlic butter? Never fails to impress, quick and simple. And what is the secret component that truly makes a difference? a small amount of white wine, which gives the dish a stronger flavour. Eateries secrecy! This amazing method of cooking prawns has long been a family favourite. Prawns, garlic, white wine, butter, olive oil, and lemon are the only six ingredients (I get salt and pepper for free). Simple is ideal since prawns are tasty just plain! Cooking takes only 6 minutes. The prawns will be overcooked if you cook them any longer; Always popular, it. ALWAYS!! A splash of white wine is the secret ingredient that makes these prawns amazing! This is what you require. White wine is the crucial component in this recipe that makes all the difference. This otherwise straightforward recipe is given complexity and depth of flavour...